Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Six Sigma

I have seen it many times but got no idea about it, so I have decided to read some articles about it.

Six Sigma is a data driven system used to analyze the performance of a process. The system allows no more than 3.4 detects per million opportunities (an opportunity is total number of chances for a detect), heading for improving the quality by reducing the detects. It can be widely applied in many processes related to either product or service.

Companies which are in hurry to find way to boost earnings, see solutions in Six Sigma. In fact, Six Sigma has proved its power in contributing to reduce cost, create productive clients meetings, efficient installation... However, Six Sigma is not the answer for every company. The evidence above comes from those who have been applying Six Sigma. Now, they advance and discover more its usefulness under the downturn. For those who seek the as-fast-as-possible way, they better consider the time of investment which may take months or even years unless they are retailers. Why so, the articles gives Target as an example. It seems easy for Target to use Six Sigma because they don't need Black Belts or Green Belts (who have gone through Six Sigma training courses) but simply give the tools to employees.

I wonder if these tools are that easy to use? Maybe it is just not for me.

The information I got from here: